Firstly, a big apology from me for not being able to get a new home for the project web site sooner. Finding a good, but also affordable, hosting service for the domain was the first priority.
In line with normal practice for some time now, it is a secure website "https" and is further protected by SiteLock for added security against hacking, viruses etc.
Cookies - There are none.
This site does not attempt to deliver cookies, no tracking, or anything else of that nature.
Marcum - why is this missing from the domain/site name?
Around ten years ago on the Rootweb MARKHAM List, there was much talk about this new DNA thing, but nobody was actually doing anything about it. So, full marks to Tammy Marcum, who started "the ball rolling" by ordering a test from FTDNA and created the MARCUM/MARKHAM surname DNA project.
I believe in those days, the relationship between the two surnames was not so firmly established (shoot me down in flames if I got that wrong!).
Since then, DNA has confirmed, what was only a possibility without a paper trail, of two lines of MARCUM and MARKHAM being the same family.
Actually we have two family lines on the patriarchs page containing MARCUMs with a line leader of MARKAM.
So I considered it appropriate that MARKHAM should take precedence. A domain name is important for gaining traffic and [] is already a "mouth full", but [] would be just too much!
Site Updating
The presently the site is very basic - it works - but it doesn't look pretty. That will come later. Updating results is now the first priority and I have been doing some of that whilst we were without a site.
General Info
( or, right-click and select to copy address.)
- to external sites will open in a new browser window.
A Call for Help
On Y-DNA, I've benefited from advice in the past.
But regarding mt-DNA, I really am deficient on knowledge.
I just copy & paste without knowing the benefit to the testers, preferred layout etc. So, it would be enormously helpful if someone knowledgeable on the subject would be able to assist here.
Thanks, John
About this Site
The intention is for this site to be regarded as the ultimate resource for MARKHAM & soundex surnames.
Many of of those in the DNA results pages here, are also included within the lineages. Being DNA tested is not a requirement for participation on this site and having your lineage displayed here.
If you have not done so already please consider submitting your lineage for inclusion; we need more to assist family history researchers. You may even discover yourself being part of a researched family here.
Space limitations prevent the display of entire family trees; close family members will be included, but in a compact form. There are no no strict rules to this and it will be largely discretionary to suit what is felt as an appropriate balance. Suggestions are welcome.
About DNA
Surname DNA tests:
support or supplement traditional genealogy.
focus research towards related families.
eliminate or confirm the relationship of individuals or lines.
identify individuals as not related, so saving wasted research effort.
If you wish to place an order for a DNA test, using THIS LINK will also join you into the project at Family Tree DNA.
You will be able to join (at the relevant admin's discretion) or leave any DNA project.
And if you need any help in deciding which test to order, please contact (above).